Immediately you slot in your 4G sim card into your new 5G phone, it will display a 5G network on your mobile phone. In some countries or regions, you need to upgrade your sim card to a 5G sim before you can receive a 5G network coverage in your mobile phone, while in some countries, your previous 4G sim card is already compatible with the 5G network. I’m not entirely focusing on a particular country or region writing this very topic of do i need a new sim card for 5g, I’m focusing on the general public. If you look at the answer above, I didn’t state yes or no and I have a reason for that. You may not necessarily need a new sim card for 5g except if your sim card is old and also not compatible with the 5G network. Hopefully, EA and Maxis, when ready to make announcements and throw out teasers, will listen to fans about what they want.2 Will 5G work on 4G phones Do i need a new sim card for 5g? While they're all reasonable concerns, at this point, it's futile to speculate or worry because we have so little information.
How much creativity will players have in building their homes or customizing their Sims?. Will players be able to merge and split households, and household funds? How will that work?. How much will a subscription service cost? Will all expansions and additional content be included in a subscription, or will fans have to purchase content in addition to a subscription? Will EA nickel and dime fans with microtransactions using real-world money?. Will the number of Sims we create or play in a game be limited? How much control will players have over their own Sims? How much autonomy will Sims have? How much will other players be able to affect our own Sims?. Will fans be able to have different games with different characters, and keep separate save files for them? What happens to your Sims in a multiplayer game when you're not around to participate?. Will the game be public only, forcing all Sim fans to play together in one giant sandbox? Or can small communities create their own private group games? Will fans who prefer individual games be able to play alone?. Here are just a few questions the community is pondering:
Mostly, fans are concerned about how The Sims 5 will be executed.